Employment Agency License

Iowa Workforce Development


License for individuals or companies that collect a fee from individuals seeking employment.  Employee leasing is not a covered activity.

Code Citation IC 94A; 875 IAC Chapter 38

Who Applies Individuals or companies that collect fees from job seekers for connecting potential employers and employees.

When To Apply The month of May for renewals or any time before operations begin with new licenses. Applications must be made on Iowa Division of Labor forms and must be accompanied by a $75 fee and a $30,000 surety bond.

Initial Requirements Employment agencies or others involved in job placement must be licensed if they charge a fee (by any name) to job seekers for placement. A $30,000 surety bond conditioned to pay damages that may accrue to any person due to a wrongful act or violation of law on the part of the applicant in the conduct of business is required.

Duration Licenses expire on June 30 of each year.

Processing Time Seven to thirty days.

Fee Structure $75 per year or for any part of the state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30 of a given year).

Renewal Requirements Does not pertain.

Exam Does not pertain.

Additional Information Visit our web page for more information: https://www.iowadivisionoflabor.gov/employment-agency-licensing.

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Contact Information
Mitchell Mahan
150 Des Moines Street
Des Moines, IA 50309