Poultry Buyer
A poultry buyer is engaged in the business of buying for the market, poultry or domestic fowl from a producer.
Code Citation IC – Chapter 197
Who Applies Every person, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of buying for the market, poultry or domestic fowls from the producer thereof, shall obtain a license from the Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship for each establishment at which said business is conducted.
When To Apply Application must be made and a license issued before operations begin.
Initial Requirements Each licensee shall keep such records as the Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship shall require as to date of purchase, name and residence of seller and number and description of such poultry or domestic fowls purchased from the producer.
Duration Licenses are renewed biennially and expire on second March 1 after date of issue.
Processing Time 10 days.
Fee Structure License: $6 Renewal: Biennially $6
Renewal Requirements Does not pertain.
Exam Does not pertain.
Additional Information Each licensee shall keep such records as the department shall require, as to date of purchase, name and residence of seller and number and description of such poultry or domestic fowls purchased from the producer.
Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Jeff Kaisand, DVM
Bureau of Animal Industry
Wallace State Office Building, 502 E. 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-0866
[email protected]
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