Application for Eligibility Iowa Registered Stallion
Application for Stallions to be eligible for the Iowa Horse Breeding Program in the thoroughbred, quarter horse, and standard bred industries.
Code Citation IC 99D.22
Who Applies Owner of stallion.
When To Apply Prior to start of breeding season.
Initial Requirements 1. Iowa Stallion application completed. 2. Iowa Stallion affidavit completed. 3. Copy of certification of registration certificate.
Duration Lifetime, unless owner changes or stallion leaves the state.
Processing Time 3 days.
Fee Structure $30
Renewal Requirements None, unless removed from the state of Iowa.
Exam N/A
Additional Information Owner of stallion.
Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Jeff Kaisand
Wallace Building
502 East 9th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-5321
[email protected]
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