Application for Iowa Foaled Status
Listing of the breeder and owner of Iowa registered foals. National registration papers are Iowa stamped and an Iowa certificate is issued for thoroughbred, quarter horses, and standard bred.
Code Citation IC 99D.22
Who Applies Owner of Iowa Foal.
When To Apply Anytime before racing the first race.
Initial Requirements 1. Complete an Iowa Foaled application. 2. Provide the original certification of registration showing the current owner.
Duration One time application, unless ownership changes.
Processing Time 3 days or less.
Fee Structure $30
Renewal Requirements N/A
Exam N/A
Additional Information Owner of Iowa Foal.
Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Jeff Kaisand
Wallace Building
502 East 9th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-5321
[email protected]
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