Public Water Supply Operating Permit
Department of Natural Resources
Permit for systems that provide the public with piped water for human consumption, have at least 15 service connections, or regularly serve an average of at least 25 individuals, at least 60 days per year. This permit applies to businesses that do not use water that has already gone through a water treatment plant (city water). Code Citation IAC 567 – Chapters 40, 41 and 43 Who Applies Publicly owned water treatment facilities supplying water to a municipality or community or transient, non-community water systems such as small restaurants and commercial establishments. When To Apply The application for an operation permit must be filed at least 90 days prior to the date operation is scheduled to begin. Initial Requirements None. Duration Three years. Renewals must be received by DNR 60 days prior to expiration. Processing Time Ninety days for new permits and 30 days for renewal. Fee Structure A non-refundable, annual fee is based on the population served by one of the following formulas: the fee is the greater of $25 per year, or $0.14 multiplied by the total population served. The fee is $25 for all transient, non-community water systems such as small restaurants and commercial establishments. Renewal Requirements Does not pertain. Exam Does not pertain. Additional Information None.Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Contact Information
Anne Lynam
Anne Lynam
6200 Park Ave STE 200
Des Moines, IA 50321
6200 Park Ave STE 200
Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 725-0280
(515) 725-0280
[email protected]
[email protected]
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