Lead Abatement Project Designer
Persons employed in this profession prepare abatement project designs, occupant protection plans and abatement reports.
Code Citation Code of Iowa, Chapter 135.105A
Who Applies Any individual who conducts project design in target housing and child-occupied facilities.
When To Apply Before project design activities begin.
Initial Requirements Applicants need a bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture or a related field OR have four years of experience in building construction and design or a related field. Specific Required Training Program: Applicants must complete an Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) approved training program. To be approved for the training of project designers, a course must be at least 48 instructional hours with a minimum of 12 hours devoted to hands-on activities and shall cover at least the following subjects (requirements ending in an asterisk (*) indicate areas that require hands-on activities as an integral component of the course:
- Role and responsibilities of a lead abatement contractor.
- Background information on lead and its adverse health effects, how children and adults are exposed to lead, and how to prevent lead exposure in children and adults.
- Background information on federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertain to lead-based paint and lead-based paint activities.
- Liability and insurance issues relating to lead abatement.
- Identification of lead-based paint and lead hazards.*
- Interpretation of lead inspection reports.*
- Development and implementation of an occupant protection plan and lead abatement report.
- Respiratory protection and protective clothing.*
- Employee information and training.
- Approved methods for conducting lead-based paint abatement and interim controls.*
- Prohibited methods for conducting lead-based paint abatement and interim controls.
- Interior dust abatement and cleanup.*
- Soil and exterior dust abatement and cleanup.*
- Clearance standards and testing, including random sampling.
- Cleanup and waste disposal.
- Record keeping.
- Role and responsibilities of a project designer.
- Development and implementation of an occupant protection plan for large-scale lead abatement projects.
- Lead abatement and lead hazard reduction methods, including restricted practices for large scale lead abatement projects.
- Interior dust abatement/cleanup or lead hazard control and reduction methods for large-scale lead abatement projects.
- Clearance standards and testing for large-scale lead abatement projects.
- Integration of lead abatement methods with modernization and rehabilitation projects for large-scale lead abatement projects.
- The course shall conclude with a course test and, if applicable, a hands-on skills assessment. The student must achieve a score of at least 80 percent on the examination and successfully complete the hands-on skills assessment to successfully complete the course.
- The instructor shall provide each student with instructions and forms needed to apply to the department for certification and with information provided by the department regarding the state certification examination.
Duration 3-years.
Processing Time Four weeks.
Fee Structure Application: $180 Renewal: $180
Renewal Requirements For certification renewal, applicants must complete an DIAL approved 8-hour refresher course every three years. The refresher course shall cover at least the following subjects:
- A review of the curriculum topics of the initial certification course for the appropriate discipline as listed in sub rules 70.4(3) to 70.4(8).
- An overview of current safety practices relating to lead-based paint activities in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline.
- Current laws and regulations relating to lead-based paint activities in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline.
- Current technologies relating to lead-based paint activities in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline.
- The course shall conclude with a course test and, if applicable, a hands-on skill assessment. The student must achieve a score of at least 80 percent on the examination and successfully complete the application for certification.
Exam After completing an approved course, an applicant must take and pass the state certification exam.
Additional Information Any individual who conducts project design in target housing and child-occupied facilities.
Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Kane Young
6200 Park Ave
Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 201-5369
[email protected]
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