Environmental Review for Natural Resources
Before commencement of a project a person, federal, state, county, city government, other public agency, corporation or consulting firm may request the Department of Natural Resources to perform an in-house Environmental Review for Iowa listed threatened and endangered species, rare natural communities, state or other public lands and waters in the project area. This review will be by personnel representing state parks, state preserves, recreation areas, wetlands, fisheries and wildlife. This review does not constitute a permit and before proceeding with the project, the requester may need to obtain permits from the DNR or other state and federal agencies.
Code Citation N/A
Who Applies Any person, federal, state, county, city government, or corporation planning construction should contact the Department of Natural Resources for an Environmental Review for Threatened and Endangered Species or Sensitive Natural Community impacts.
When To Apply Requests may be submitted at any time. Please visit this site to submit an environmental review request: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/permt/ and click “Request Environmental Review”
Initial Requirements Please include project location maps and a project description. The description should include the County, Section, Township (the number, not the township name) and Range as well as Latitude and Longitude or GIS shapefiles if available. Some state or federally funded local projects or projects that must comply with federal regulations may require an environmental review by state or local agencies. In Iowa, that agency is the Department of Natural Resources.
Duration DNR comments regarding the location of the proposed project are applicable up to the time of the review.
Processing Time Two to six weeks.
Fee Structure Currently, there is no fee for this service.
Renewal Requirements Does not pertain.
Exam Does not pertain.
Additional Information N/A
Services Provided
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Casey Laskowski
6200 Park Ave
Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 330-6432
[email protected]
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