Bulk Milk Hauler / Grader
Grades, samples, and measures the milk in a farm bulk tank to check for off-odors and off-colors and determines the amount to be picked up. They pump the milk from the farm bulk tank and deliver it to a dairy plant, receiving station or transfer station.
Code Citation Code of Iowa, Chapter 68.2(4)
Who Applies Any person who collects an official sample from a farm bulk tank or collects an official sample at a receiving station, milk plant or milk transfer station needs a milk hauler / grader permit. This includes milk haulers, milk sample couriers, milk intake personnel and dairy industry field representatives.
When To Apply Before activity begins.
Initial Requirements Applicants must be at least 16 years of age. No formal education is required, however the applicant must be trained by a permitted Iowa Milk Hauler / Grader. Licenses for haulers from other states are accepted if Iowa has a reciprocal agreement with that state.
Duration Bi-annual.
Processing Time Approximately one day.
Fee Structure Application: $20 (Hauler / Grader) Renewal: $20 (Hauler / Grader) Other: Fees may be paid either by the employer or the individual.
Renewal Requirements Farm Bulk Haulers are required to attend hauler school every three years and have their hauler procedures evaluated every two years.
Exam The hauler / grader must pass an exam that is administered by the Dairy Products Control Bureau. A person can prepare for the exam by studying manuals from the Department of Agriculture.
Additional Information None.
Services Provided
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Jurgen Ehler
Wallace State Office Bldg
502 E. 9th Street, IA 50319
(515) 281-3545
[email protected]
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