Private Juvenile Shelter Care Home License

Department of Human Services


Certification of Licensure to provide emergency juvenile shelter care for children. \\”Shelter care\\” means the temporary care of a child in a physically unrestricting facility at any time between a child\\’s initial contact with juvenile authorities and the final judicial disposition of the child\\’s case.

Code Citation IC 232 & 441 IAC 105

Who Applies Any eligible entity wishing to operate an emergency juvenile shelter.

When To Apply There is no deadline to apply.

Initial Requirements The Department of Inspections and Appeals will conduct an onsite evaluation. A criminal record check, child abuse check, reference check and medical exam are required.

Duration One year from the date of issuance.

Processing Time Within 120 days of application.

Fee Structure No fees.

Renewal Requirements Applications for renewal are required to be made at least 30 days, but no more than 90 days, prior to expiration of the approval. Renewal decisions are made in the same manner as an application. Renewal decisions should be made within 60 days from the application for renewal.

Exam Does not pertain.

Additional Information None.

Services Provided

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Contact Information
Carol Gerleman
Lucas State Office Building
321 E. 12th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319