Accreditation/Certification for Psychiatric Rehab
Psychiatric rehabilitation services emphasize rehabilitation and resumption of roles in the areas of living, learning, working, and socializing. Services are designed to assist the individual that receives the service increase the ability to function independently and to prevent or reduce the need for services in a hospital or residential setting.
Code Citation IAC 441-24
Who Applies A provider that has been through at least 60 hours of Psychiatric Rehabilitation training (120 hours is recommended) that has been accepted as meeting requirements by the Department of Human Services.
When To Apply An application may be submitted at any time.
Initial Requirements A provider must have at least 60 hours of Psychiatric Rehabilitation training.
Duration Initial accreditation is valid for 270 calendar days with 180 days, or one or three year recertification (based on scoring received during onsite survey).
Processing Time Approximately three months. Policies and procedures must be developed and approved before accreditation is recommended.
Fee Structure No fees.
Renewal Requirements Does not pertain.
Exam Does not pertain.
Additional Information None.
Services Provided
Service Category
- Service SubCategory
Ginger Kozak
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 559-7195
[email protected]
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